1. Join an organization: Such as IADMS.
- Visit their website: https://iadms.org/
- A great way to learn more about the field and the career optiosn
- Plus conferences, webinars, and ways to connect with other Educators, Dancers, etc.
2. Expand your mind to the fact that dance science offers many career options.
- For example, there are Physical Therapists, Physiologists, Strength & Conditioning Coaches, Researchers, Physicians, Chiropractors, etc. all who specialize in the unique demands of dancers
- Doctors for Dancers is a great resource where you can find professionals in your area who work specifically with dancers - https://doctorsfordancers.com/
3. Take advantage of mentoring, shadowing, or interviewing opportunities.
- These are great ways for you to experience different career options so that YOU can start deciding what you want to do
-IADMS even holds its own mentoring program for young students that I've mentored before. They pair you with a mentor who suits your career interests & it's a great way to make connections and learn! - https://iadms.org/education-resources/news/posts/2024/april/early-career-mentorship-program-2024-25/
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