🧠 3 Tips for those interested in Dance Science

Oct 24 / The Dance Scientist
One of the most common emails I receive is young students having questions about how to get started in Dance Science or what career options are available!

So that's why we're here today!

1. Join an organization: Such as IADMS.
- Visit their website: https://iadms.org/ 
- A great way to learn more about the field and the career optiosn
- Plus conferences, webinars, and ways to connect with other Educators, Dancers, etc.

2. Expand your mind to the fact that dance science offers many career options.

- For example, there are Physical Therapists, Physiologists, Strength & Conditioning Coaches, Researchers, Physicians, Chiropractors, etc. all who specialize in the unique demands of dancers
- Doctors for Dancers is a great resource where you can find professionals in your area who work specifically with dancers - https://doctorsfordancers.com/ 

3. Take advantage of mentoring, shadowing, or interviewing opportunities.
- These are great ways for you to experience different career options so that YOU can start deciding what you want to do
-IADMS even holds its own mentoring program for young students that I've mentored before. They pair you with a mentor who suits your career interests & it's a great way to make connections and learn! - https://iadms.org/education-resources/news/posts/2024/april/early-career-mentorship-program-2024-25/

learn more in this printable e-book


📖 How this E-Book is organized:
Chapter 1 - The History
Chapter 2 - Dance Science
Supplementary Resource List
Reference List
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📱 This pdf of over 25 teaching tips includes:
What is Dance Science?
Why does this actually MATTER to dancers and educators?
How to Apply Dance Science
Benefits of Dance Science
History of Dance Science that should be common knowledge
Where did Dance Science originate?
Over 25 tips for $3.99.
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