The Motor Learning Course

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  • Author
    The Dance Scientist
  • Level
    All Levels
  • Study time
    1 Hour
  • Video time
    30 Minutes
  • Exams

Improve the way you cue, teach, lesson plan, & communicate

Write your awesome label here.
Course features
  • 1 Module
  • 1 E-Book
  • 4 Bonus Items
  • 1 Certificate
  • 1 30-Minute Video
  • Improve your Cues & Feedback - I condense all of the most recent research on ML into a 30-min lecture. Walk away feeling like you've unleveled the way you teach & communicate as an Educator.
  • Reach More Learning Styles - By learning about brain development in this lesson, you'll improve the way you cue so that you reach more learning styles.
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The Motor Learning Course

This Course Was Updated in May 2024 with updated information based on new research!

Meet the instructor

Maria Haralambis, M.Ed., NASM CES, FMT

After graduating with my B.S. (Hon) in Dance & M.Ed. (Hon) in Kinesiology (Exercise Science), I began pursuing a Ph.D. in Health & Human Performance. I am passionate about helping dancers & dance educators understand & apply Dance Science principles. If you follow me on my instagram (@the.dancescientist) I share a lot of evidence-based tips to bring more awareness to this vital field. These courses & printables are an excellent way to dive deeper into the concepts that I discuss in my posts.
Patrick Jones - Course author

The Motor Learning Course

Improve the way you cue, teach, lesson plan, & communicate
  • 1 Hour 

    Total of content
  • 30 Minutes

    Video duration
  • 4 Bonus Items

    Free of charge
  • 1 Free E-Book

    Motor Learning 101

A peak into what Motor Learning is

Traditional teaching doesn't apply these principles

"It is of vital importance that dance teachers are cognizant of motor learning principles that maximize and expedite learning, yet many traditional practices in dance may not draw on this research"
(Enghauser, 2003).

Learning about the brain is crucial for educators

"Since attention is limited, simultaneously focusing on more than 1 task can pose problems. Furthermore, tasks compete with each other for attention" 
 (Enghauser, 2003).

The way that we cue dictates EVERYTHING

"Learning a dance or movement is, in part, dependent upon how the information is presented. What is called instructional cuing can take three forms: visual, verbal, and kinesthetic"
(IADMS Resource Paper).

Our students love us

I was able to have more resources to look into when explaining and educating my dancers on the way their body works.
Course Student
Easy as one, two, three

Here's a Price Breakdown

One-Time Payment

You Can Uplevel Your Pedagogy in 1 Hour
Learn the most recent evidence-backed tips on: Learning Styles, Cuing, Bilateral Transfer, Cognitive Load & More!
  • 1 Module of Evidence-Based Content Value = $30
  • 4 Bonus Items Value = $45

Total Cost = $75


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